Why is UCC turned down? -6

//Why is UCC turned down? -6
//Why is UCC turned down? -6

Why is UCC turned down? -6

Religious freedom: a way of life

A Muslim cannot accept that freedom of religion is complete just because he is free to worship the God he wants, perform certain rituals at certain situations like birth, marriage, and death, and go to places of worship on appointed days. ‘Islam’ literally means adherence to the divine laws in all spheres of life. Islam does not conform to the view that religion is merely the holding of certain beliefs and practices. Muslims believe that religious practices are only one aspect of religion; they believe that human behavior, character, financial transactions, interactions between family members, and all the rules and regulations for social life should be according to divine laws. Every believer must obey the laws of Sharia; disobeying them is believed to cause them destruction in this world and eternal loss in the Hereafter. That is why Muslims fight for the freedom to follow the divine laws.

For a Muslim, being denied the right to follow the divine laws in any context entails violating the Right To Religious Freedom. For a Muslim, the State’s insistence on serving alcohol or gambling would feel like a denial of religious freedom or when laws for sexual and family life cannot be obeyed. Islam has precise rules on how to acquire and distribute property. Muslims believe wealth is from the Creator and should be used according to His rules and regulations. Muslims are taught that just as the distribution of one’s property while alive, the distribution of one’s property after death should also be according to the laws of the Creator. It is all part of Shariah. Therefore, obeying them is the duty of all those who wish to be blessed in this world and attain Paradise after death. Muslims are pained in this regard because the Uniform Civil Code will require them to violate Islamic laws in family and financial fields. This pain is due to the desire to live as good citizens according to all laws of the land and as good Muslims following the decrees of the Almighty.

Translation: Azra Gafoor, Fathima Ameera, Hamida Abdullah & Sumayya Muhammed

വിഷയവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വീഡിയോ

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