Why is UCC turned down? -10

//Why is UCC turned down? -10
//Why is UCC turned down? -10

Why is UCC turned down? -10

Significance of Shariah in inheritance

Wealth truly belongs to Allah, and those who are entrusted with its stewardship have a responsibility to utilize and distribute it following Allah’s instructions. This principle forms the foundation of all Islamic laws concerning property rights. Allah has made it clear that each year, a specific portion of the wealth bestowed upon individuals is meant for deserving heirs who may be experiencing hardships. Moreover, Allah has precisely defined who these heirs are. In light of this, every believer is obliged to assess the amount of property they have acquired during the year and determine the appropriate portions to be set aside for the deserving, which include 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20%, depending on the circumstances. Subsequently, they are expected to give away these amounts accordingly. It is crucial to adhere to these guidelines without altering the zakat amount from five percent to three percent or adding any unauthorized beneficiaries beyond the designated eight heirs. Allah has already calculated the exact Zakat that is required from the wealth provided by Him. Therefore, it is the duty of believers merely to carry out the calculations and fulfill the obligation accordingly. By performing this duty unquestioningly and faithfully, one demonstrates true submission to Allah and becomes a devoted Muslim, dedicated to a life of worship and obedience to Allah’s divine will.

The same principle applies to inherited property. The Qur’an provides clear guidance on the rightful recipients and their respective shares in the property of a deceased individual. These principles of Islamic inheritance law are elegantly outlined in the Quran in verses 11, 12, and 176 of Sura An-Nisa, the 4th chapter of the Quran. No other deed is mentioned as precisely in the Quran as the detailing of inheritance laws. This serves as a testament to the importance of adhering to these inheritance laws for all believers.

Each verse that describes the laws of inheritance is followed by references that highlight its significance. Upon reaching the eleventh verse, it is stated that ‘these fixed shares are ordained by Allah,’ which explains the portion of inheritance belonging to the remaining blood relatives when a person passes away. The twelfth verse emphasizes the rights of conjugal relations and the distribution of shares among others, stating, ‘This is a Commandment from Allah.’ Likewise, in verse 176, while speaking about those who are entitled to inheritance when there are no male relatives, and regarding their shares, it is declared that ‘Thus does Allah make clear to you His Law lest you go astray.’ These verses collectively convey the message that believers must adhere to these laws without disobedience. The Qur’an explicitly states that “these are the limits set by Allah,” and those who follow them will be rewarded akin to those who attain paradise (4: 13,14). This situation leaves no room for anyone conscious of the hereafter to transgress these divine legal boundaries.

Translation: Azra Gafoor, Fathima Ameera, Hamida Abdullah & Sumayya Muhammed

വിഷയവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വീഡിയോ

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